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May 31, 2019

How heat and humidity impact you and your products

I’m writing this fully confident summer is on its way, so I’d like to briefly discuss what the impact of hot and sometimes humid conditions…

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Shoes on wooden floor
February 21, 2019

Understanding your commitment when installing timber flooring

One of the massive personal benefits I gain from working with the Contract Flooring Association (CFA) is the sharing of knowledge and understanding. However much I may think I know in the world of flooring, there is always more to learn and understand.

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Thermometer shows comfort room temp plus 24 Celsius degree on white background
February 20, 2019

Changing the climate

Product manufacturers such as Bostik stand or fall by the quality and performance of the products they supply. Flooring contractors meanwhile stand by the quality…

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August 15, 2018

Not all vinyl is the same

If a successful, long lasting installation of new vinyl flooring is going to be achieved it is important that you have accurate product information, have…

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July 16, 2018

High temperatures and their impact on flooring

Although the flooring industry is a very well established one, it does move with the times. For example, over the last decade we have seen…

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July 12, 2018

You’ve got to roll with it

The bonding of cap and coving and skirting profiles has traditionally been achieved using contact adhesives. Indeed, most experienced contractors will reference the unmistakeable smell…

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Laying Floor Tiles
December 21, 2017

On the tiles

When it comes to installing flooring and tiles, there are some very specific and often significant differences to be aware of. To me the most…

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October 10, 2017

Understanding drying times for levelling compounds

When considering flooring installations, levelling compounds play a pivotal role in preparing the surface ready for floorcoverings. Understanding the factors that influence drying and curing times can therefore help to reduce downtime on site, maximise productivity and ensure projects are completed to a high standard within the required timescales. Here I’ll discuss some of the factors that need to be considered when working with levelling compounds to ensure they dry and cure properly.

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Scree application
April 7, 2017

Why it’s essential to prepare floors properly when a surface DPM is specified

It is regularly quoted, accurately, that moisture is the main cause of floor failures, and as a consequence, specifications offered by manufacturers will often incorporate…

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February 27, 2017

Standards changing or changing standards?

In the professional flooring industry we’re all aware of the well-established codes of practice such as BS8203, BS 5325 and also the CFA Guide to…

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